Eleven favourite Fantastic Beasts quotes! // 86

ELEVEN WEEKS TO GO! I can’t believe we’re getting closer and closer to the release date of Crimes of Grindelwald, I just want to watch it now. This week I decided to do a post that included eleven of my favourite quotes from the film – this generally means that it will be a shorter post than normal but I just thought this would be a great part to look at!

Are you a seeker? A seeker after truth?

I’m more of a chaser, really.”  

You’re lying if you say this isn’t one of the most iconic quotes from the film – this is definitely one of the quotes that just made me love Newt even more. So damn precious.

“Well, may the best man win, I guess.”

We were about 20 seconds into seeing Jacob in the film at this point and it just made me completely love him. As I mentioned last week, this is one of my favourite scenes because Jacob is just so sweet and honestly, it made me love him so much more and just got me hooked on his character!



Okay this seems like a really random quote to love but I honestly find it so funny, it’s not even what is said, it’s just the way and the speed in which Mr Bingley repeats it.

“You prefer strudel, huh, honey? Strudel it is.”

I JUST LOVE QUEENIE SO MUCH. But everything about this scene makes me happy because I just love her and Jacob so much and I love how happy Jacob is during this scene and ahh, I LOVE IT.

“But we made ’em cocoa…”

Another reason to just make me adore Queenie even more, I mean can you get any more precious than this? This made me fall completely in love with more than I already was.

“My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.”

This quote is one that has really stuck with me since I watched the film because I’m the type of person that worries about EVERYTHING. And this stuck with me more so because honestly, how right is Newt?

“Don’t hurt those creatures – there is nothing in there that is dangerous. Please don’t hurt my creatures – they are not dangerous… please, they are not dangerous!”

MY HEART. No matter how many times I watch this scene, it still makes me super emotional because you can really tell the love that Newt has for his beasts and he is just far too precious to go through anything like this!

“She was a taker. You need a giver.”


“-hey- Newt, why did you keep me around?

Because I like you. Because you’re my friend and I’ll never forget how you helped me, Jacob.”

I’m not crying, you are. This scene really got me when I first watched it in the cinema because Jacob’s reaction to this was just too pure – he never expected to have such love like that and he just deserves nothing but the world.

“I’ll come with you. We’ll go somewhere – we’ll go anywhere – see I ain’t never gonna find anyone like-

There’s loads like me.

No…no… there’s only one like you.”

MY HEART. AGAIN. This scene honestly breaks me every single time I see it because I honestly love Jacob & Queenie together so much and everything about this scene just pulled at my heart.

“I’m so sorry – how would you feel if I gave you your copy in person?

I’d like that – very much.”

I love this quote for a couple of reasons. Firstly, is because I love Newt & Tina so much and I love how awkward and sweet this scene is. Secondly, is because this is mine & Audrey’s (NEWTlNAS) quote on our twitter bios and it fills me with so much glee because I love her so damn much.

So, yeah, these are eleven of my favourite quotes from the film and I cannot wait to see what gems we’re going to get from Crimes of Grindelwald! What’s your favourite quote(s)?


  1. I can’t believe I’m going to admit it but it was only after watching the film the other day that I got the “I’m more of a chaser” line 🤦‍♀️ My favourite line is when they find Jacob after he got bitten by the Murtlap and Newt says to Tina it’s not that serious :

    “But if it was really serious, he’d have…


    Well, the first symptom would be flames out of his anus!”

    That always makes me laugh 😂


  2. I loved this post! Sometimes the little things, like quotes and certain scenes, can make books and movies all that more special!


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